Beste wensen voor 2016!

Capella wenst iedereen een vreugdevol 2016 met heel veel sterretjes en heldere nachten!

Enkele van de toppers van komend jaar:

16 januari: Starparty bij helder weer aan de Marollenkapel

26 januari: start cursus Sterrenkunde te Tienen

11-12 maart: Sterrenkijkdagen op het Sint-Janscollege te Meldert

9 mei: transit van Mercurius over de zon

Sterrensporen aan het kasteel van Horst

Sterrensporen aan het kasteel van Horst (c) Hans Coeckelberghs





Best wishes for 2016 !

Capella wishes a joyfull 2016 to everybody and lots of stars and clear nights!

some of the star events to come this year:

16 januari: Starparty when clear skies @ Marollenkapel

26 januari: start cursus “Sterrenkunde”  Tienen

11-12 maart: “Sterrenkijkdagen” Sint-Janscollege Meldert

9 mei: transit Mercurius across the Sun



Lecture on 50 years the BIRA institute in Ukkel (Brussels)

Next Tuesday you can enjoy a lecture by Dr. Karolien Lefever (Boutersem) on “50 years of research on earthly an on-earthly atmospheres”. The trigger is the 50 years celebration of this Belgian research institute on Ukkel premises.

Karolien Lefever (Boutersem) becam a doctor in Astronomy in Leuven and is at presentresponsible for communication at the BIRA.


VVS Capella has the rare opportunity to welcome her as a speaker. The lecture will be in Flemish but questions in English are alwyas possible.

BIRA-IASB 50years

As always free admittance, doors open at 19hr30 and the lecture starts at 20hrs sharp. Address: ‘t Paenhuys, Stoopkensstraat 80, 3320 Hoegaarden

Capella @ the “Totemannenbak” Tienen

The “Totemannenbak” is a Christmas event where the Tienen bakers are baking special raisin bread, called a “Toteman”. It is supposed to llok like a Christmas child. Even if in doubt about that last characteristic, in each case it is delightfull yummy!


We sold nice astro articles as presents, like Star Charts, Greeting cards and Glow-in-the-dark stars (what else? ).



Foto: Rob Walrecht

Next ofcourse there was hot wine and jenever which contributed to the charm of the event. Capella was happy to make some publicity and get some people interested!


Tottenman 2015 (2)Tottenman 2015 (10)Tottenman 2015 (14)

Capella at the Christmas Fair in ‘t Paenhuys Hoegaarden

When there is a party going on – stars or no stars – Capella will be there!  We had ‘exclusive’ astronomy articles for sale like STarcharts, glow-in-the-dark stars for the bedroom and beautifull greeting crads with pictures taken by members.  Lots of people joined the party and the Christmas choir brought very nice carols.

Nice presents for the kids…

